Make Use of Routine to Keep Your Relationship Fun
/in Rekindle the Romance /by ContributorFor most couples, spending time together is one of their top most priorities as they seek to grow their relationship from one level to another. The activities that they get involved in as a way of spending time together vary from one couple to another, but most times there is some bit of fun involved. Staying fit while using a routine is a great way that couples can adopt as part of the time that they spend together. There are a variety of ways that couples can incorporate their routine to enhance their relationships and their overall health as well, and they include:
Grocery shopping – Food is one of the factors that determine whether you maintain a healthy lifestyle or not depending on the choices that are made on a daily basis. Inviting your partner to go grocery shopping with you so that you can select healthy foods is a good way to stay fit while keeping your routine as well. Furthermore, the preparation of meals using the healthy ingredients bought at the grocery store is also a fun way to bond with your partner.
Plan meals – Eating healthy meals on a daily basis involves the preparation of meal plans in advance to be able to successfully keep healthy. Making these meal plans together with your partner is much more fun because you can be able to come up with combinations that you would have never thought of before. In addition, it allows you to learn your partner’s preferences when it comes to food and so you can surprise them with their favorite meal once in a while. You can even name a meal after yourselves to add more fun to the planning process.
Exercise routines – There are a variety of exercise routines that can be done by couples to stay fit and still have fun at the same time. However, to add more spice to your exercise routine or even customize it to your needs, it is better to do it with your partner so as to get their input. As you exchange ideas on the best routines to incorporate in daily exercise you are able to come up with one that is fun and effective as well. Exercising with your partner always gives you time to bond with them often, have fun and keep healthy as well.
Cooking meals – Apart from going grocery shopping together and planning healthy meals, cooking meals together is also another way that you can ensure your relationship remains fun. There are times when meals can be made from scratch, and sometimes from leftovers from previous meals. Cooking meals together with your partner allows you to catch up on the activities of the day which ends up shortening the time that the meal takes to be prepared because of the flowing conversation. In addition, trying out new healthy recipes together is also a good way to have fun, especially as you wait to see if the meal turns out right.
Tanya Harris enjoys playing tennis and trying out new low carb diet recipes with her boyfriend.
Dating Holidays – What Are They Exactly?
/in Rekindle the Romance /by ContributorDating Holidays – Do They Work? Read This Interesting Guide
Seen as a perfect way to spend time with loved ones, holidays are a chance to re-connect with the people who are important to you. But what if you don’t have a significant other with whom to spend your vacation?
Increasing numbers of men and women looking for love are coming together on singles or dating holidays, combining the opportunity to get away from it all with the chance of a holiday romance.
Romantic getaway
It’s been said that in this modern age, it’s getting harder to find a partner. Many of us work long hours; we socialise in small groups and as those in our social circle pair off and settle down, there are fewer chances of finding love. A number of dating agencies and tour operators have branched out into offering dating holidays, where people who would rather not travel alone can take a break with people in a similar situation and have the chance of finding that special someone into the bargain.
The holidays on offer vary from simple short breaks in the Lake District through to over two weeks exploring the sights and sounds of China. Tour operators offer fully inclusive packages with excursions and social gatherings organised so people can get to know each other, share experiences and bond with new friends and potential partners.
Never too old
Things have changed since the baby boomers first got married, and nowadays there’s a growing number of over 50s who are single – either through bereavement or divorce – and seeking companionship and a second chance at love.
A number of companies, such as Solos Holidays, offer trips specially tailored to groups of older travellers who’d like to travel with like-minded singles. With destinations across Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia, there’s more than enough to interest everyone from the most adventurous traveller to those who prefer something a little closer to home. The great thing about these trips for single holidaymakers is that there are plenty of people with whom they can share their travel experiences and make new friends… and maybe something more.
Pink travel
Over the years, a number of travel agencies have grown up to serve the gay community, offering travel to gay-friendly destinations where people need have no fear about acceptance or persecution on their getaway.
More recently, a couple of tour operators have begun to offer tours specifically catering to the single gay traveller, giving the opportunity to meet new people and potentially spark a holiday romance. “Out Everywhere” is a self-styled social club for gay people and its forums allow groups of gay people to holiday together and get to know each other while getting away from it all.
The million dollar question
So, do they work? If you’re looking for love, is a singles holiday the choice for you to find that special someone?
Any tour operator you go to will tell you that their service works and show testimonials from apparently happy and loved-up customers, but it’s hard to trust this when there’s a clear commercial advantage in showing how brilliant their service is.
A quick internet search delivered a lovely story in the UK newspaper “the Guardian” of forty-something couple Tracy and Kevin, who found one another on a singles holiday and never looked back. After deciding to travel with SpiceUK, a singles social group that arranges worldwide holidays for people looking to make new connections, the pair met and fell in love. It just goes to show that if it can work for one couple, there’s hope for all of us!
These days, there are lots of ways to meet new people and find love. Meeting a potential partner has gone beyond the personal ads and with internet and speed dating taking off around the world it’s easier than ever to find that someone special. Holidays have long been linked with romance, and the relaxed atmosphere of a romantic getaway with a group of like-minded people is the perfect chance to be yourself and make your wishes come true.
5 Reasons Why You Should Take your Date to Karaoke
/in Rekindle the Romance /by ContributorSo you’ve been going out with your sweetie for a while, and you’re looking for something new to do. Or maybe you’ve got a big first date coming up, and you really want to impress her. Where can you go other than the standard dinner and a movie? How about turning to one of the most popular pastimes in recent history? Karaoke might not be totally mainstream, but you’re bound to find some singing action in your city somewhere. You might even be lucky enough to have a high-end karaoke establishment that caters to a more sophisticated clientele. But even if you don’t, going to a regular karaoke bar can be a blast as well. Either way, karaoke is a perfect choice for any couple looking to spend quality time together while doing something out of the ordinary. Let’s take a look at why you should take your date to try it.
It’s Memorable – no matter what happens, a night of karaoke is not something you’ll forget anytime soon. And when you’re in the initial stages of dating, isn’t that what you want? You’re still trying to make an impression, and you might be in a position where you have to win her over. What could be better than doing something that she’ll remember for a lifetime? There’s bound to be enough action at your local karaoke establishment to keep you reminiscing for the next few weeks.
Affordable Fun – one of the downsides of dating these days is how expensive it can be. Even going to a movie can be pretty costly. Karaoke isn’t exactly cheap, but it’s not going to blow up your wallet either. It also gives you full value for your money because you actually get to be a part of the entertainment. Whether you’re sitting in the crowd or standing up on stage, it’s a lot more interactive than just going to stare at a movie screen for a couple of hours. It basically costs the same as going to a regular bar for a few drinks, and there might be a cover charge for more high scale establishments.
Show off Your Stuff – if your goal is to impress your date, what better way to do it than with a solid performance? Of course you need the voice to back it up, but if you have it, then you should use it. Nothing will surprise her more than demonstrating that you can actually sing. And if you can get the crowd behind you, you’ll feel like a rockstar under the spotlight. It’s a perfect combination that will definitely make you stand out in her eyes.
Do a Duet – if you’re both in the mood to hit the stage, there’s no better way to do it than with a duet. It’s a great way to bond, and one of the best ways to experience karaoke. There’s a lot less pressure when two people are singing at the same time because no one has to bear all of the responsibility. You can playoff of each other while having the stronger singer support the weaker one. And if you both happen to have great voices, then you’ll be making beautiful music together. With the crowd cheering for you and your body’s buzzing with adrenaline, a karaoke duet can bring you closer than ever before.
Enjoy the Show – a lot of people never bother going to karaoke because they think they have to sing in order to enjoy it. This is one of the most unfortunate preconceptions that has prevented a lot of people from paying a visit. Even if you have no intention to sing, a karaoke bar is a great place to bring a date to simply watch the show. There’s always something going on, and there’s bound to be a few great singers in the mix. While you might have to endure a few first timers, a higher-end karaoke restaurant will usually have a better array of talent. Many times the Emcee or host is a professional singer that keeps the entertainment value of the show at a high level.
Karaoke has a natural way of bringing people together. While going out can be a blast, staying at home and cuddling on the couch while singing can be just as fun.
How Travelling Together Can Improve your Relationship
/in Rekindle the Romance /by Elle RoseTravelling is a great way to boost your relationship as a couple, and to learn new, exciting things about each other too. Very often when we head away with our other half we simply head to a beach resort and sit by a swimming pool. This is all very well and good for some couples, but others would benefit more from heading away for a real adventure. There is definitely a difference between a traveller and a tourist, and usually it’s the travellers who learn more about themselves and who benefit more from the experience.
Experiencing all the amazing things that you’re bound to encounter when you go away together travelling will not only fill you with great memories, but you’ll also learn so much about your other half, things you may not even have realised beforehand. So what other tips can I give you in regards to travelling together… well keep reading!
– Try something exciting
Activities like bungee jumping and skydiving are a great way to bond together as a couple. Yes, you’ll be terrified beforehand but taking the jump together and encouraging each other can be a really great experience for both of you. The best bit is: once you reach the ground you’ll be so thankful for the experience and you’ll be so thankful for your other half for helping you get there.
– Learn something new
If neither of you have ever tried your hand at skiing or snowboarding, then why not book a holiday and learn together? Learning a new skill or sport together can be tricky but it’ll bring you so close together having to practise and encourage each other along the way. And when you’re both experts, you can look back at all those times you fell over and laugh!
– Do something life changing
Volunteering abroad with a community less fortunate than your own is something that you’ll remember forever, and it’s something that you’ll find life changing. Your views and opinions will change, as will your whole outlook on life. It’s great to go through this and experience this together too, because then neither of you is left behind. It’s great to grow emotionally together, and doing something like this is bound to get you both there.
– Visit somewhere new
There is nothing quite as exciting as exploring somewhere completely new with someone you love. It’s the excitement of never knowing what’s around the next corner – or never knowing what the next street will hold. To share this excitement with your other half is something that will not only bring you closer together, but it’s also something you’re never going to forget either. It’s the kind of great experience where you don’t mind getting lost, because it makes the day even more fun.
Min Min says:
June 27, 2012 at 12:44 am
Hi Elle,
You’re right. Traveller and Tourist are different, and I think that I’m a traveller. I’m more into exploring the culture just like a resident.
Your tips are so great. Some people don’t like the unknown, but I’m the type who likes the unknown.
When a couple travels together the way as you suggested, they not only “travel” together, but they’re also truly “together”.
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